
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome To The Inkido Blog Hop!!!

Happy New Year and welcome to our first Inkido Design Team Blog Hop of 2014!!

If you made it here to my blog from Petra Petraso Gustavsson"s blog,
then you are in the right place!!

The hop will last from January 2nd until January 4th, and Inkido will make it a Scrappy New Year by offering up 3 different prizes!

Prize #1 is a new collection from Papercraft Scandinavia
Is it not gorgeous!!!?

Prize #2 is  a CHOICE of 12 Papercraft Scandinavia Papers

And Prize #3 is a wonderful selection of Vintage Pictures on A4 paper called Vintage Dream

All you need to do to enter is to visit all the Design Team Members and leave a comment on their blog,

                    Helen Tilbury                   
                Petra Petraso Gustavsson                
                 Romy Veul               

 collect the secret words hidden within some of the DT members blog post, then head on over to 
leave a comment, and e-mail:
 with the sentence that all the secret words form.

I am so excited to be joining the Inkido family for the 2014 year!!  I know that some of you know me, but for those who don't, my name is Renea Harrison aka Reneabouquets in the virtual world. I am a mom of one son, Draven, and the wife to David. David and I have been happily married for 24 years. We run a local Auto Service Center for which I am the accountant and book keeper. I love to paper craft as a way to explore the creative side of my mind, and here is my scrap room where you can find me hanging out quite often:

We are asked to share 3 things, so I am going to tell you 3 things that you might not have known about me:
1. I love the outdoors, and when I am not busy being mom, wife, business woman, and scrapper, you can find me out in the woods somewhere.
2. I spent a lot of my childhood with my Grandparents, and loved hanging out with my Pawpaw who dabbled in everything:painting, drawing, wood working, clock repair, digging through dumps for treasures, repairing and selling at flea markets, creating miniatures, and so on. So I have a love for so many different sides of crafting and they all show up in my own art.
3. Some of my favorite things to scrap are my son, Draven, art surrounding dance (I love line and form) and Vintage images.
4. OK so this is not a share ;) It is to let you know that I have one of the secret words that you are collecting and it is "BE"

Now, hop on over to Romy Veul 's blog and be sure to tell her hi from me!! Hugs ~Renea                 


  1. Renea congrats on your design team position, you will be a wonderful asset to the team. I just adore your craft space, it is so you, with the shabby vintage look which is in a way your kind of style. It was great getting to know you a little bit better.
    {Would love you to visit my blog and join my 130,000 Page View Give-Away. Thank you so much, if you have already entered, and good luck.}
    Wishing you all the best that 2014 has to offer.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. It’s very interesting blog-hop! Nice to meet you!

  3. Happy New Year !
    So nice to read about you and to get to know you better :)
    Looking forward to see your work :)

  4. We love to have you on the team and I love your place to create!


  6. Super duper congrats.! I hope it's the Happiest of New Years for you! I know you will fit right in on this team and create more masterpieces!

  7. Nice to meet you! Your scraproom is totaly amazing, love it!

  8. Congrats on your newest accomplishment! I love your work and adore your butterflies! Can't wait to get them each month! Thanks for playing along and sharing! I love your scrap room. Happy New Year and all the best!

  9. What a lovely scraproom. And the Blog hop is so funny.
    best regards

  10. I love your scrap room , I could play all day in there . I will be checking through your blog to see the beautiful work you have done.x

  11. Love your scrap space...good to know you..xo

  12. Happy New Year! It’s very interesting blog-hop!

  13. Great post Renae! Love your awesome scrapspace. I can just see you there scrapping up a storm and creating your beautiful work! Hugs!

  14. Wonderful to have you join this great team, looking forward to your beautiful butterflies on Inkido projects!


Thank you so much for your sweet words! I so appreciate them and love to read each and every one of them~