
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Scraps Of Darkness Reveals It's November Kit-Purple Haze

It's time for my favorite time of the month, reveal day over at Scraps Of Darkness. Once again, Melinda has put together another ultra luscious, uber versatile kit.

The Main Kit includes:
Patterned Paper by: Bo Bunny, Basic Grey, and  Quick Quotes Julie Je t'aime
Along with:
Kaisercraft Alpha Chipboard #3
                  Bo Bunny Garden Girl:  Noteworthy die cuts
                  ZVA CR-03CA-116
                  Paper Moon Supply - Magic Tag
                  Quick Quotes - How Wonderful Vellum Journaling
                  Basic Grey - Indie Bloom Accordian Stickers
                  Ranger Liquid Pearls - Cantaloupe
                  Hand dyed Silk Bias Cut Ribbon
                  Peace sign brads
You can also pick up some super gorgeous add ons that coordinate wonderfully with the main kit including: The Romance Add On, The Coordinating Paper Add On, The Flora & Fauna Add On, The Color Add On, and for this month an out of this world Vintaj Metal Add On. But, you better hurry, because they sell out quick!!

The following is the beyond beautiful sketch created by Charlotte (aka Sue Pup) for the Scraps Of Darkness kit:

And here is my take on the sketch. It is titled Scatter Sunshine, and  features my Sister In Law's Daughters Kimmie and Katie. This layout shows the feminine side of the kit and features some of those luscious purple hues of the title:

I started with some of the Quick Quotes pp, took a second layer of pp and punched it, then took a third layer, scalloped the edges, distressed and stained them, and did some machine sewing. I took card stock from a previous add on and cut it out, distressed and inked the edges, took some of the kit pp cut it to the same shape and then mounted the beautiful photo of the girls onto it.

Next, I took some Innocence Flowers in Lavender from my Etsy Shop  and attached them to the bottom and the top of the photo. I tucked in my Craftysprinkles pin from the Romance Add On, took and cut out the sentiment from the Quick Quote from the Romance A.O. to match the inside of the Prima Adore Heart which can also be found in the Romance A.O. and adhered it with foam tape for dimension.

To create the strip layers I took some of the same cream cardstock as I used behind the photo, cut it into strips and distressed and inked the edges. Took some of the same kit pp, distressed and inked the edges and layered it on. Cut some hearts out with my Cricut and popped on some of the ZVA bling from the Romance A.O. then took a little heart border and added it to the bottom.
I created a peek a boo in the left hand corner of my 3rd layer and Stickled up one of the sweet little owls from the kit and added on one of the adorable little nests from the Romance A.O.

I took a Dusty Attic Birds On A Branch, Painted the branches with Vintage Photo Crackle Paint, the leaves with Peeled Paint Crackle paint, the little birds with Berry Smooch and Milled Lavender Stickles. Cut out some centers to match my flowers, and popped on some of the ZVA bling from the kit, and one of the little nests from the Romance Add On. I then stickled up some butterflies, that you can find here on my blog and added them onto the layout.

This next layout shows how you can take the kit and create a seasonal layout. I chose the rich colors of fall to create this layout featuring my God Daughter and her family.

I started out with a stash piece of pp, then distressed and inked the edges of some of the card stock from this month's add on, the next layer is a piece of the Bo Bunny Garden Girl pp from the kit that I cut out using a Crafter's Workshop Template, distressed and inked the edges on and then did some machine sewing for interest.
I took another piece of the Bo Bunny pp created the photo mat, and distressed and inked the edges. I took the photo of my God Daughter Michelle, and her family and rubbed on some of the Bo Bunny Garden Girl Rub ons from the Romance Add On.

I took a piece of card stock from the A.O. distressed and stained the edges, then took a Prima Stencil and the mist from the CAO and created the design on the card stock. A piece of the Bo Bunny pp that I scalloped the edges on and inked makes up the second layer, and then I took a Vintaj Metal Blank from the Metal Add On and embossed it using the including embossing pad and my Sizzix, then buffed it out with the included Vintaj pad and accented the tree design with alcohol inks. I then took a Vintaj piece from my stash, broke it in two and adhered it to my metal piece to create the design.

 I took a piece of pp from the Coordinating Paper A.O. and created the bottom border then attatched some stash Alphas to spell out the Love part of my title, took some Glitz Tiny Alphas from my stash and completed the sentiment and title to my layout "Fall In Love".

I took a piece of my Fall In Love Flowers Set from my Etsy Shop and attached it to the right hand corner of the shaped layer.

Took the second piece of my Fall In Love Flowers Set and attached it at the bottom of my photo layer. Punched and inked some Maple leaves. To finish up my fall look, I took some Tiger Butterlies from my Etsy Shop and attached them throughout the layout.

This next layout shows the Fun Side of the kit and is also my layout example for the Stalker Challenge that I host over at Scraps Of Darkness. This month there was a bit of talk going on about bringing back some of the hippie slang from the late 60's and 70's and it put the idea of the challenge into my head.  Here are the rules:
1. Use at least 80 % Scraps Of Darkness product
2. Stalk the internet for a photo of someone famous rocking their hippie chic.
3. Bring back one of those slang hippie words through the imagery and title
4. Have Fun!!!

Here is my layout featuring a photo of Cher from the early 70's and I am bringing back the word "Groovy"! So, if I sling out a groovy when I leave you a comment, you will know that just like Cher, your work is fabulous-lol!

The background layers are card stock from the A.O. and Bo Bunny Garden Girl pps from the kit.

I then took some of the BB Noteworthy pieces from the kit and layered them in behind the photo, took a piece of the BB pp, punched it and made the photo mat, then mounted the photo of Cher on.

I took the white fringe from the Romance Add On and layered it across the bottom, adding on some of the peace sign brads from the kit. I took a layer of  pp and punched, faux sewed, and used some of the BB rub ons from the Romance A.O. on and layered it beside the photo, fussy cut two other designs from the pps, adding rhinestones to one. and attached them with foam tape for dimension. I used the ZVA flourishs from the kit and then layered more of the accordion stickers onto it. I took a large daisy from my stash cut it in 1/2 and layered on one of the accordion stickers from the kit. Tucked in the Paper Moon tag from the kit and a metal and crystal butterfly from my stash.

I took a large daisy from my stash cut it in 1/2 and layered on one of the accordion stickers from the kit.

 I took one of the Bo Bunny Noteworthy pieces, stickled and blinged it up then attached it with foam tape. I took one of the Accordion sticker, popped a crystal center onto it and then layered in some of the Hand dyed Silk Bias Cut Ribbon and some white ribbon to form my groovy streamer. I then popped on my title "Groovy" down the side of the photo using some stash glitter alphas.

And last, but not least is a layout I created to show the sweet side of the kit. My DH listens to Country music and I was riding along with him and heard this heartwarming song called "She Thinks We're Just Fishing". It is about how what a little girl thinks that what her and her daddy are doing together is just fishing, but in reality it is an everyday event that holds so much more than she realizes in it. How little acts bond us together and create memories that become an amazing part of who we are. When I saw this photo of little Emmie fishing with her daddy Andy, it reminded me so much of that song, henceforth the title of this layout "She Thinks They're Just Fishing".

 I started with some of the kit pp then took a piece of the card stock add on, used a template for the edges, then distressed them and did some machine sewing. I then cut out a square of Bo Bunny pp layered it in, cut the center out of a stash doilie, layered it in then took some of the kit pp, punched the edges, did some machine sewing and adhered it with foam tape for dimension.

I took the photo of Emmie and her Dad and photo shopped the first part of the title onto it then did some framing and added it on with some foam tape. I cut out some scrabble letters, that you can find here on my blog, coated them with glossy accents, let them dry then adhered them with foam tape.

I cut a small princess frame with my Cricut and inked it up then added some of the ZVA bling from the Romance A.O. and popped in a photo of Emmie sitting back with her fishing rod.

In the top left hand corner, I added one of  my Visions of Sugarplums Butterflies from my Etsy Shop and gave it a butterfly trail with some of the left over ZVA bling from the kit.

In the right hand corner, I folded down the edge, pleated a piece of doilie and popped it in to the fold down, took one of the Bo Bunny Noteworthy dies and popped it on and then added in another butterfly.

I had this cutie pie Prima Owl that I had purchased on an outing with my sister when I first started scrapbooking and this kit and layout offered up the perfect opportunity to use it.  So I foam taped him to the bottom corner of my photo and started building the flower clusters around him.

I took the Prima vine from the Flora & Fauna A.O. and ran it across the bottom and popped in some of the Petaloo flowers from the same add on, as well as adding some punched and inked pieces behind some of them . I pleated another piece of doilie and tucked it in, adding a little bow made out of the  silk bias ribbon that was leftover from my first layout, and then added in one of those sweet Prima nests and popped on a small butterfly to finish everything out.

Thank you so much for dropping by for my reveal day layouts! I am always so grateful for your support and friendship. Please feel free to pick up some butterflies or alphas from my Butterflies, Dragonflies and Alphas page. I love to share with all my scrappy sisters! I hope you enjoyed your visit! Hugs, ~Renea


  1. Wow! All of those pages were absolutely beautiful!! I love your style of scrapbooking. I'm sort of a plain jane, i guess. lol


Thank you so much for your sweet words! I so appreciate them and love to read each and every one of them~