
Thursday, September 15, 2011


"I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
~ Robert Frost ~ 

This month the Scraps of Darkness family will be taking the road less traveled with (in my opinion) one of the most gorgeous kits I have ever seen. It is reveal day and Mel is unveiling the September Kit-Passages, and I am still reeling from it even after completing four layouts for the big day.

The name Passages is so appropriate. When I opened up this kit and began working with it, I immediately became a time traveler. Every layout I have produced with this kit has been scrapped with raw emotion, and so much of who I am has been put into each page. Each page, so far, has represented the people that I have loved, and cherished the most.  The first passage took me to a time when my son was little, and we were each other's world. A time when I was a young mother, and I didn't know how fast those years would fly by. The second passage took me back to the time when my husband and I first met, to that young love and the feeling of falling in love with the "one".  The third passage took me through the years of my Grandfather's life, and up to last year, when I lost one of the most important people in my life, and then very quickly lost the second-my Grandmother. The fourth passage took me to the place where I am called Aunt Nea Nea and have the privilege of being a part of my sister's, three wonderful children's life.

So come along, and join me for a journey through the passages of my life. I hope you enjoy this in depth look at some of the sweetest parts of my life, and thank you for letting me share these very personal pieces with you.


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Thank you so much for your sweet words! I so appreciate them and love to read each and every one of them~